
Lady adeko roguetech
Lady adeko roguetech

lady adeko roguetech
  1. #Lady adeko roguetech upgrade
  2. #Lady adeko roguetech full

It's not the most heavily armored brawler, but it tends to give at least as good as it gets, especially with any Energy-based weapons. If you want to understand exactly how these are affecting your mechs, hover over the shot percentages in mission- 'no sensor lock' and 'no visual lock' are big penalties which help make it clear what is missing.The 6R Warhammer is a legendary 'Mech that's often found in the thick of combat, hurling PPC bolts at its foes. TLDR Item types 'cockpit' 'FCS' 'Sensors' go in the head.

lady adeko roguetech

Sheathed beacon is a combined probe and ECM which nets both a big sensor boost and the benifits of ECM.

#Lady adeko roguetech upgrade

SLIC is a cockpit upgrade that gives the benifits you'd expect from a sensor package, which means you can double up on sensors in a neat way. I try to keep an active probe in my squad at all times because it feels essential for spotting power armour before it jumps you. Active probes give a major boost to sensors which lets you break through stealth/spot power armour.

#Lady adeko roguetech full

If you have ECM, you can equip a full stealth system, and you show up less on sensors. ECM makes you less visible to sensors, and gives evasion pips. The better sensor head parts come with them built in. There are a bunch of specialist versions of these available at low level which can plug into other slots on the body too (thermal, zoom, seperate ECM/probes, UAV etc). You have a sensor set in the head, which can usually plug in a LOS boost or sensor boost. The rest is accuracy boosts/health/weird effects like machine gun shot power, which works out to more firepower. There are basically 3 components that matter- one is 'sensor range boosts/line of sight boosts', one is 'ECM' and the other is stealth armour. I don't know about optimisation, but I can point you to what I 'get. It often "sees" stuff before my other mechs, but sorting out how much of that is the effect of equipment vs positioning vs tactics skill vs enemy ECM/stealth vs RNGeesus is difficult.Īight, I started playing recently so I'll give a rundown of my experience with low tonnage/low cost missions. My one mech is running a SLIC suite and a Sheathed Beacon right now, and it seems to be a good combo. Sarna is similarly no help (example, the Lostech and uber-expensive Sheathed Beacon is just listed as comms gear for the Spector and Exterminator mechs, when it clearly does more than that in-game). Is there an overview if the equipment options available? I checked the wikis, and most of the gear is not really laid out. Add in that it is often not immediately apparent what must go in the head/cockpit and what can go elsewhere, and what is incompatible with what, and I'm basically reduced to just sitting in the mech lab and plugging stuff in and guessing as to what is a good combo and what is not. I'm aware that each item spells out what it does, it's just difficult to pull it all together and compare/contrast the options. I'm just a little lost about the various options and how they work together. I love the fact that sensors and EW now matter, and matter quite a bit. I'm struggling with the latest sensor/ecm/cockpit changes. It is running a lot better than 997/998alpha, great work by the team. I'm geeking out and loving the latest iteration of Roguetech/1.04.

Lady adeko roguetech